Signs That Your Parakeet Likes You: Parakeet Affection
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Do you ever wonder if your parakeet likes you? Sure, they chirp and sing when you’re around, but is that just because you’re the one who feeds them? As a parakeet owner myself, I understand the desire to know if my feathered friend truly enjoys my company.
Thankfully, there are a few telltale signs that your parakeet is showing affection towards you. From the way they interact with you to their body language, these signs can help you feel more connected to your pet and strengthen your bond.
In this article, we’ll explore the various signs that your parakeet likes you and how you can respond to their affection. So, if you’re curious about your bird’s feelings towards you, keep reading!
Determining Whether Your Parakeet Has Formed a Liking Towards You
Parakeets are social birds that can form strong bonds with their owners. They may show their affection in various ways, but it’s not always easy to interpret their behavior.
By understanding your parakeet’s behavior and body language, you can create a deeper connection with your pet and provide them with the love and care they need to thrive.
Here are 12 ways to tell if your pet budgie likes you.
1. Eye Pinning

One of the signs that your parakeet likes you is eye pinning. Eye pinning is when your parakeet’s pupils contract and dilate rapidly. This is a sign of excitement and affection. You’ll notice that your parakeet’s eyes will appear to be flashing as their pupils get smaller and then larger again.
Eye pinning is often a positive sign that your parakeet is happy to see you and enjoys your company. You can encourage eye pinning by spending time with your parakeet and talking to them in a gentle tone. You can also offer your parakeet treats or toys to play with to show them that you care.
2. Flapping Its Wings
Wing flapping is a common behavior that parakeets exhibit when they are happy and excited. When a parakeet flaps its wings, it means that it is trying to communicate with you and show you affection.
If your parakeet flaps its wings when you approach it, it means that it is happy to see you and wants to interact with you. You can reciprocate this affection by gently stroking its feathers or talking to it in a soothing voice. This will help to build a bond of trust and love between you and your parakeet!
3. Nuzzling Your Face
When your parakeet nuzzles your face, they are showing that they trust you and feel safe in your company. It’s a sign that they enjoy your presence and want to be close to you.
You may notice your parakeet rubbing their beak against your cheek or forehead, or even snuggling up under your chin. This is a clear indication that they see you as a friend and companion.
4. Closeness
When your parakeet follows you around, it shows that they enjoy your company and want to be near you. They might even perch on your shoulder or head, which is a sign of trust and affection.
Additionally, if your parakeet becomes upset or agitated when you leave the room, it’s a sign that they have formed a strong bond with you.
5. Regurgitation
One of the most unique signs of affection from a parakeet is regurgitation. This may sound gross, but it’s actually a very sweet gesture from your feathered friend. Regurgitation is when the parakeet brings up food from its crop and offers it to you or another bird as a sign of affection.
If your parakeet regurgitates for you, it means that it sees you as a mate or a close companion. This behavior is more common in males, but females can also exhibit it. It’s important to note that regurgitation can also be a sign of illness, so if your parakeet is regurgitating frequently or appears to be unwell, it’s best to consult with a veterinarian.
6. Vocalization & Imitating Your Voice
Parakeets are known for their ability to mimic sounds and voices, and if your parakeet is imitating your voice, it’s a clear sign that they feel comfortable and affectionate towards you. They may repeat words or phrases that they hear you say often, or even seem to try to start a conversation with you.
In addition to imitating your voice, your parakeet may also start to make other vocalizations when they are happy and content. They may chirp, sing, or even whistle to express their affection towards you.
7. Fluffing Its Feathers

One of the signs that your parakeet likes you is when it fluffs its feathers. When a parakeet fluffs its feathers, it means that it is relaxed and comfortable in your presence.
It’s a sign that your parakeet is happy and content in its environment, and it sees you as a source of comfort and security. This behavior is similar to how a cat will purr when it’s content or a dog will wag its tail when it’s happy.
8. Eats From Your Hand

One of the signs that your parakeet likes you is if they eat from your hand. This is a big indication that your bird trusts you and feels comfortable around you. When a parakeet eats from your hand, it is a sign that they see you as a source of food and a friend.
As your parakeet becomes more comfortable with eating from your hand, you may notice that they start to approach you more often and even climb onto your hand. This is a great sign that your parakeet likes you and trusts you. Just remember to always be gentle and patient with your bird, and never force them to do anything they are not comfortable with.
9. Wagging Its Tail
One of the signs that your parakeet likes you is when it wags its tail. Just like dogs, parakeets also wag their tails as a sign of happiness or excitement. If your parakeet wags its tail when it sees you or when you talk to it, it is a clear indication that it enjoys your company and is comfortable around you.
When your parakeet wags its tail, it may also that it is in a playful mood and wants to interact with you. You can encourage this behavior by offering your parakeet toys or treats to play with. This will make your parakeet associate you with positive experiences and will strengthen the bond between you.
10. Preening You
Preening is a natural behavior for birds, and it’s a way for them to clean and groom their feathers. When a parakeet preens you, it’s a sign that they trust you and see you as part of their flock, as it’s something they only do with their mates or close friends.
You’ll notice your parakeet using their beak to gently nibble at your hair, eyebrows, or clothing. They may also use their tongue to lick or groom your skin. This is a sign of affection and a way for them to show that they care about you.
11. Perching on You

If your parakeet perches on you frequently, it’s a good sign that they trust you and feel comfortable in your presence. This behavior is a way for them to bond with you and show that they enjoy your company.
It’s important to note that not all parakeets will perch on their owners. Some may prefer to stay in their cage or on a nearby perch. However, if your parakeet does choose to perch on you, it’s a great indicator that they have a strong bond with you.
12. Head Bobbing
Head bobbing is a rhythmic movement of the head and neck, usually accompanied by a slight fluffing of the feathers. It’s often accompanied by chirping or other vocalizations, and can be a sign of affection, excitement, or even courtship behavior.
If your parakeet is head bobbing when they see you, it probably means that they are happy and excited to see you!
How to Get My Parakeet to Like Me
When it comes to getting your parakeet to like you, it’s important to start with patience and consistency. Here are some tips on how to get your parakeet to like you:
Spend Lots of Quality Time with Your Parakeet
One of the best ways to determine if your parakeet likes you is to spend lots of quality time with them. This means regularly interacting with your parakeet and talking to them.
Parakeets are social birds and they thrive on attention and interaction. If you spend time with your parakeet on a regular basis, they will become more comfortable around you and may even start to show signs of affection.
Quality time with your parakeet can include playing with toys together, training them to do tricks or simply sitting near them while they explore their environment.
It’s important to establish a routine with your parakeet so that they know when to expect your attention. This can help them feel more secure and comfortable in their environment.
Offer Your Parakeet Treats

Another way to get your parakeet to like you is to offer them treats. Parakeets love to eat, and offering them a tasty treat is a great way to win their affection.
Here’s a full list of what treats parakeets like that we’ve compiled for you!
When offering treats, make sure to choose healthy options such as fruits, vegetables, and seeds. Avoid offering sugary or fatty treats as they can be harmful to your bird’s health.
To make the treat even more enticing, try offering it by hand. This will help your parakeet associate you with positive experiences and build trust with you.
It’s important to remember that treats should be given in moderation and as part of a balanced diet. Too many treats can lead to health problems for your parakeet. Always consult with a veterinarian for advice on feeding your pet.
Always Talk to Your Parakeet in a Calm & Soothing Tone
Parakeets are sensitive animals and can become easily stressed if they sense any tension in their environment.
When you approach your parakeet, make sure to speak to them in a soft voice and avoid sudden movements. This will help them feel more comfortable around you and build trust over time.
Play with Your Parakeet
Try playing games with your parakeet, such as hiding treats around their cage or teaching them tricks. This will not only keep them entertained, but it will also strengthen your bond with them.
Remember to be patient and gentle with your parakeet. It may take some time for them to warm up to you, but with consistent interaction and play, they will learn to trust and love you.
Ensure You Handle Your Parakeet Gently
If you want your parakeet to like you, it’s important to handle them gently. This means not grabbing or squeezing them, but instead using a soft touch and letting them come to you.
Start by offering your hand to your parakeet and letting them get used to your presence. Once they are comfortable, you can begin to gently stroke their feathers and talk to them in a soothing voice.
If your parakeet seems hesitant or afraid, give them some space and try again later. Building trust and affection with your parakeet takes time and patience.
Create a Safe & Comfortable Environment

Sometimes, no matter how hard you try, you parakeet still seem to be distant from you. This could be because of external factors that could be hindering your bond with them.
Creating a safe and comfortable environment is key to getting your parakeet to like you. This means providing them with a spacious cage that is located in a quiet area of your home, away from any potential hazards or predators.
Make sure to provide your parakeet with plenty of toys, perches, and food and water dishes. This will not only keep them entertained, but it will also help them feel more comfortable and secure in their new environment.
Can an Adopted Parakeet that Had a Previous Owner Like You?
Many would-be adopters wonder if an adopted parakeet that had a previous owner can still develop affection towards them. The answer is yes, parakeets can bond with their new owners regardless of their past experiences.
However, it may take some time and patience to earn their trust and affection since they may be adjusting to a new environment and routine. Consistency and positive reinforcement can help build a strong bond with your adopted parakeet.
Here are some things to keep in mind as you get to know each other:
- It will take time for your bird to get used to you and feel comfortable around you. Don’t expect your bird to bond with you immediately.
- Be patient and give your bird time and space to adjust to its new surroundings.
- Birds are social creatures, so spend time talking, singing or reading aloud near your bird’s cage. This will help your bird get used to your voice and start to see you as a trusted friend.
- Offer your bird regular opportunities for out-of-cage time so it can explore its new home, meet family members and get some exercise.
- Provide lots of toys and interesting perches inside the cage so your bird can stay active and stimulated.
- Never force your bird to come out of its cage or interact with you if it doesn’t want to. This will only make your bird more fearful and less likely to bond with you.
Final Words
Understanding the signs that your parakeet likes you is important for building a strong bond with your pet. By paying attention to their body language, vocalizations, and behavior, you can ensure that your parakeet feels loved and cared for.
Remember to give them plenty of attention, treats, and toys to keep them happy and healthy.
With patience and consistency, you can develop a loving and trusting relationship with your feathered friend.